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Media Sources

I bumped the blog post I had ready for this week to a later date and instead replaced it at the last minute with this.

I have been meaning to add the Media section of the Utopia Manifesto to the website for a long time but I have not got round to it, but in the background, I have added a new page with my view on media sources.

One area where I agree with Prince Harry is that various aspects of our media is deeply unpleasant. I touched on this before in various blogs. I also agree with him that Rupert Murdoch may not be the most fit and proper person to be allowed to own so much of our media and therefore control the narrative presented to us.

But it was these two articles that inspired me to release my media source page sooner. Both by Tortoise media:

  • The Westminster Accounts - an investigation by Tortoise and Sky into the cash and benefits taken by our MPs

  • Tax Havens - another piece by Tortoise about Tax Havens and again, our MPs

I think Tortoise and other sources like Bristol Cable are showing us that if we are prepared to pay for our media, rather than have it provided free in return for our eyeballs being sold to advertisers and therefore our attention being grabbed by lower and lower quality content that merely claims to be journalistic news, then we will get a higher quality source of media and information, less driven by political bias and more investigative and insightful, more likely to change our viewpoint and change the world.

Ultimately Harry shouldn't be cross at British tabloids, but us, the people who continue to give them our money.

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