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Khan Watch

In my blog, Attention Merchants, I mentioned Lina Khan.

This is a woman who at 30 has re-shaped the thinking around monopoly law stating that big tech and social media companies have monopolies and their size and power needs to be reduced.

Something they dispute strenuously.

In the week I wrote the blog she had just been unexpectedly promoted to head of the Federal Trade Commission by President Biden. The FTC is the American federal agency that would be responsible for breaking up the big tech firms if it was decided that was the right thing to do.

On her appointment, the BBC put it like this:

And protecting consumers, means protecting us, this isn't an American issue, these companies rule the world and there is very little the British Government can do in terms of regulating these huge American companies in any meaningful way.

On her appointment Amazon said “no comment”

This has to be a good sign.

We need people like Khan. She represents a hope for getting our economic system back on the right track. Lets hope she can survive the attacks and negative attention she attracts from the Tech giants.

More from Khan watch as it happens.


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