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GB News

GB News is a new right wing TV news channel in the UK. It’s been putting a lot of clips on YouTube about the recent race riots.

I shouldn’t click on them, but I do. And I read the comments.

This was my reply to this one:

I’m not sure thats entirely correct. 

You say “we invited…” I think you’re talking about post WW2 immigration in the UK.

You say the UK is a White…country, because for some reason you think black people didn’t exist in the UK before the war, but if you go back through the history of this island you’ll find many examples of non-white people being here. For example black legions in the Roman army.  These people would have been treated as the superior race by local population.  Cross them and disobey them at your peril.  But think you’re superior to them because of your skin colour?  Seems highly unlikely you’d think or feel that.

People from Ottoman and Asian areas crossed lands for trade and would have been on the islands and probably felt very exotic and superior to many of the local pesantry. There is evidence that people would have been cautious of outsiders, but equally welcoming of new arrivals because they brought new goods and interesting things and stories and because thats inline with Christian values.

The dislike of people based on their skin colour was not a thing back then, nor was the issue of sex, female warriors and Queens were recorded and respected.  But as time went on and slavery went from a relatively normal thing that existed everywhere into a more economical thing that was profitable for states including wealthy Europeans, racial troupes and negativity based on skin colour became a useful device to maintain the system and protect profits and the wealth, and the slavery of black people was weaponised.  If this was a historial thing it would be something to look upon with sadness and relief that its in the past, but the really sad thing is that this system of hate based on skin colour is maintained in our fabric today and repeated by people today who believe this is a white country.

I’m not even sure we were that Christian.  Going back before the French aristocracy conquered the island in 1066 and committed various genocides to suppress the local Celts, Anglo Saxons, Danish/Norwegian descendants, and those Mediterranean (white?) descendants left over from previous Roman empires it seems we were much more pagan than Christian.

But it suits the rich and powerful, the wealthy elite and their media mouthpieces for the peasants to hate each other, whether its skin colour, sex, gender, religion, income levels or whatever.  Time spent disliking black people and Muslims stops you looking at the real source of the problems in the UK and the world.

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