Free Movement
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he didn’t exist."
So said the character Verbal Kint, in the Film The Usual Suspects.
Verbal was played by Kevin Spacey, who pulled off a similar trick as he was pulling off young actors that he was able to exploit using his power and status in his industry.
Another good example goes back to the slave trade. Pseudo-science told people that the evil was justified.
Another example were the organised crime gangs who keep young mothers as slaves, then sold the babies for cash. Maybe up to 60,000 babies were sold for profit. This crime gang did this at the same time as abusing children and covering it up and Governments and people globally continue to devote themselves to this crime gang.
The Guardian has recently identified another evil organisation. In this article, the journalist describes the following:
A company of men in dark uniforms and balaclavas, all carrying clubs. They are battering a group of people, repeatedly clubbing them
The uniforms worn by the men in black...carried no insignias
...dressed in black, wearing balaclavas and with no identity markings, regularly seize migrants, put them on orange life rafts...push them out to sea...and leave them to their fate
...has funded a huge kidnap and detention industry right across Africa from the Atlantic to the Red Sea, from the Mediterranean to beyond the Sahara
All [migrants] are imprisoned in the most degrading of conditions, many subject to torture, sexual abuse and extortion
given money to Omar al-Bashir, the former leader of Sudan indicted by the international criminal court for war crimes, and to Isaias Afwerki, the Eritrean dictator whose viciousness outstrips that of Lukashenko
It’s true that Lukashenko is using migrants as pawns in a cynical diplomatic manoeuvre. But “instrumentalising human beings” is exactly what [this organisations] migration policy has been practising, too, for the past three decades.
This sounds awful, but in fact, this organisation has done its PR so well, that people who don't like it are called racist!
This is an article about the European Union.
Now perhaps this Guardian journalist is a Russian bot planted to write negative articles about our beloved institutions, but perhaps that argument is weakened by the reports supporting the article by Amnesty international and others.
But still, a good proportion of people, maybe close to 50% of people in the UK, want to be part of this organisation. Even the leader of the opposition, Sir Kier fought hard to overturn a democratic vote and stay part of this organisation.
This is an organisation that says its based on free movement of people! I guess it means the children of middle class parents who thought their kids could go to University in the Netherlands even though they never did, but they wanted the warm feeling created by this possibility. It was never about people displaced by war.
But don't worry, the EU don't always police their borders so aggressively, not if you believe The Sun anyway,
You have to admit, the EU knows how to do good PR.