Fortress Europe - Immigration in the EU
BBC2 9pm on Monday 17th June 2024 showed a program called “Dead Calm: Killing in the Med?”
This is a program about a boat called Adriana. This boat sank in the Med in 2023. It is estimated that over 500 migrants drowned.
The program pieces togehter eye witness accounts that suggests that the EU authorities are implicated in the deliberate sinking and drowning of the people on board and it is truely horrifying.
This is something that has already been called out by the United Nations, as reported in this article. Its dystopian, secret EU militia, operating outside the law, killing people with the backing of the richest countries in the world.
I have written about this before in a previous blog in 2021 called Free Movement.
The contrast between the EUs saintly golden rule that people within the EU can move freely as if there were no borders and how the EU defends its borders from black people trying to get in is significant and extreme. The EU only believes in free movement for its white wealthy EU residents. Thats its policy, thats what you sign up to if you want to join the club.
In the UK we have Rishi who wants to stop the boats, and we are fretting about Nigel Farage, using dog whistle politics and racist retoric to talk about immigration. They both claim to want ‘controlled immigration’. I have yet to hear either ask for anything as extreme as adopting the EU policy of deliberate drowning and killing migrants.
This latest program is another chilling reminder of what the EU does to protect itself from black people, and its murderous hypocrisy.
This is fortress Europe, this is the EU.