3rd Blog Birthday
This is the 3rd blog I have now done around my birthday. Links to both earlier ones can be found below, one about my dreams of becoming a soap mender, the other about turning 50.
Surprisingly I have maintained this blog. A number of themes appear which i think properly reflect my interests. Politics, economics, the environment, food and farming, corporate irresposnbility, greed, protest and resistance, (audio) books, fairness, inequality, health and wellbeing, poetry, comedy, travel and places, and of course, the reason I started this whole thing, my kids.
Some of the blogs this year have been light and that is because I have been writing and researching land and land ownership. I will release these from April.
Next week, my favourite subject but the most difficult subject to write about, my daughter. Then two poems related to land, then my land blog, a series that I think may take up two months at least. After that, I will need to move to another subject which could be the enviroment, or quantum physics, or economics or inequality. Not sure yet, suggestions welcome.
Until then, happy birthday me.