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2022 Book Review

I didn't set myself a target of how many books to read last year. In the end I have achieved just over 1 book every fortnight and read 30 in total, although there was a small amount of manipulation in the numbers.

Its actually a really difficult year to pick the top 3, but they are:

  1. Stolen

  2. The Book of Trespass

  3. Wilding

Maybe in that order

Those others which could easily have been in list...

Underland. A brilliant story about unseen worlds and places we don't normally go to, with a stomach turning, claustrophobic section in caves. Entangled Life. The most incredible story about mushrooms and other mold, I really struggled taking this out of the top 3. Regenesis. A Monboit masterpiece. It was in the top 3 until I read the Book of Trespass. These books conmected to the environment only lost out because Wilding was so relevant at addressing climate change and felt so positive. It provides a way of potentially reversing climate change and creating food security for the UK within a lifetime.

Treasure Island, Panama Papers and Davos Man are about how the super rich are killing us would have all made the top 3 normally, but were beaten by Stolen because at the end of Stolen, Grace Blakeley attempts to put forward a solution to the issues.

The full set is:

The themes, economics, philosophy, politics, social justice, the environment and occasionally futurology or science, plus a few odd classics thrown in for good measure the general direction I go for and this will continue into 2023.

I don't plan on setting a target for how many books I am going to read. I do have a plan to re-read a couple of books from this year in January, and I will count these re-reads in my next review.


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