Budget 24 - Part 2
Sunday 3rd November, 4 days after the tax raising budget and I think we can see the problem. As voters we make it absolutely impossible...
Budget Day 2024
Budget Day today. 30th October 2024 The first budget by a female chancellor so expect lots of comments about her hair and outfit. Rachel...
Edmund Burke, Speech to the Electors of Bristol
Edmund Burke was an MP fo Bristol
4 Leaders Debate - The Longest Day
4 Leaders Debate - Question Time
Fortress Europe - Immigration in the EU
Stop the Boat - EU style
7 Leader Debate 2 - Return of the Dead Eyes
Another leaders TV debate
2 Leaders Debate
We have a 2 party system in the UK. Part of the Brisith myth we have had drummed into us is that this gives us strong stable and sensible...
7 Party Leader Debate
UK General Election 7 Party Leaders TV Debate
D Day + 80 Years
D Day +80 years
Its shit
I started this blog when your brother turned 18. I did it to spout my opinions and views on the off chance that you both read them and...
My Potted History of Power in the UK
Let's look at power in the UK, how we got to where we are. Monarchs and Aristocracy In Europe and the UK, power stemmed from the Monarch....
Ultimately, all politics is about power. We all know that power is important. We all live with power relationships in our lives. At...
One Myth of Capitalism: Survival of the Fittest, the strongest individual, the lone entrepreneur
Progress has always been on the back of a number of factors, cooperation, community and hard work by the workers. Let’s take an example,...
Twas the night before Christmas...
Best Christmas movie ever
C Birfdee
21. Can't believe it. I started this blog properly when you were 18 and said I'd try and publish one a week. Despite this year being...