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The next generations need general purpose life skills, the ability to deal with change and to preserve your mental balance when everything remains unknown, and have the ability for constant reinvention despite the endless recording of everything you’ve ever said or done. Schools should look to create:


  • Entrepreneurialism and risk taking

  • Creative thinking and idea development.

  • Inventiveness.

  • Resilience and adaptability.

  • Social and environmental responsibility, fairness and understanding of others.


So schools will focus on teaching the 4 C’s:

  • Critical Thinking

  • Communication

  • Collaboration

  • Creativity


As I have stated in my blog, the school day will be divided into two:


1. Subject Education


​2. Other Activities


My lists of what is included in subject education and other education can be found on this page.


Subject education is what we recognise today as tranditional lessons, maths English, history etc.  They will continue to be subject to transitional examinations.  


Other Activities will not be subject to examination and will be all about life skills and the 4 C's.  Children will find some subjects interesting, others boring, they will excel at some, not at others, but there is no judgment or pressure, just a journey of discovery for the individual and an attempt at an awakening to create globally informed, adaptable and resilient and capable individuals.  They inform children on the type of society we are looking to create and to give them the skills to contribute to that society, giving them a sense of purpose.  They will allow children to create social bonds, whether that’s with their peers, younger children, or an older generation. It will create cross generational bonds reinforcing our need to rely on each other.


School Hours

Primary Education

Subject Education school hours for 4-11 year olds will be 9am to 12 with a 30 min break.


Secondary Education

Subject Education school hours for 11-18 year olds will be changed to 1pm-4 with a 30 min break.


The other half of the school day for each group will be Other Activities.


Food at School

Schools will provide:

  • A free breakfast will be available between 8-9am to the age of 18.

  • A free lunch will be provided at 12-1 to the age of 18.

  • Tea will be provided between 4-5 pm up to 11 years of age.

  • Fruit and vegetable snacks will be freely available to the age of 18.


School food will focus on quality, not on ever reducing cost.


Abolish Fee Paying Schools

No school will be allowed to charge a fee to provide education. All schools will receive their funding from Government. Funding will be based on need with a view to ensuring all children receive an excellent education and opportunity irrespective of a parents ability to buy that education.


Parents will not be asked for any further funding for the school for books, school trips or equipment so that there is no inequality in education. Our state schools will not be starved of cash.


School Age

Children will start pre-school education in the September after their 4th birthday. But preschool education will not have a focus on formal lessons but on socialisation and preparation for school and life and will definitely not have any form of measurement of ‘academic’ skills.


School will start in September after the 6th birthday and be compulsory until the August following the 18th Birthday.


School Holidays

6 weeks and can be taken at anytime. You never really miss anything.



Religious schools will be banned and religion will not be taught as a specific subject. Schools must behave and arrange themselves without reference to any religion. Due to the risk of discrimination, single sex schools would not be allowed. No child will be allowed to opt out of subjects due to personal religious beliefs, so the prevailing societal views on topics such as feminism, abortion and homosexuality will be discussed along with the struggle each of these subjects have been though to reach the current level of tolerance. People who hold religious views can disagree with these things and that disagreement will be respected except where it breaches the law.


Gender Issues

Gender issues will not be explicitly taught or raised in school. Instead, tolerance and respect will be the over arching aim. Gender based clothing will be de-genderised.


University and Student Fees

Student Fees would be abolished and all student debt written off.


Universities would be targeted in taking talented children from all socio economic groups in balance.


Medical training numbers would be increased.


Russell Group Universities would continue to receive the largest portion of research funding. Other Universities would be encourages to offer degree standard education and apprenticeships and funding would be provided to enable this.


Adult Education and Training

After 18 the whole population should be aware that free education and training remains available to them. This would be University level education, apprenticeships, courses and online training. Everyone should leave school at 18 with a desire to constantly learn new information. This should be free and will allow the adult population to continually learn and adapt to whatever changes are taking place.


Having such a system in place, a state system and state funded system providing education, and highly functional workers to employers, there is no excuse for any employer to complain at taxes paid to the UK in return for such an essential commodity for their pursuit of profit.


Worker Tax

As the Government is providing employers with high quality, healthy workers who can then work for employers and make them huge sums of money, there will be a payback charge, a levy based on the cost of money paid to workers that employers will have to pay in return for the Governments investment in its future workforce.




Published 30/9/22


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