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Cracking Cheese Grommit

I started this site as a way of sharing my thoughts, opinions, things I find funny and interesting, and just about anything else I wanted, with my kids. 


Both my kids were teenagers when I started the site so I don't really expect them to pay any attention to it, but its here should they ever want to go back through it, rather than leave it all in a letter in my Will, they can read my thoughts while I'm alive.... in real time.


I aim to post a blog each week, sometimes my views, things I've done, sometimes someone else's writing, sometimes a link to something I find funny.  Anything that I want to share really.  My site my rules.




(C) Alistotle 2020 "Alastair Pride" 


PS. I assert my copyright to everything on this site which can only be referred to with permission whatever that even means on here!



Want to tell me something?  Email me!

Thanks for submitting!

© 2020 by Alistotle

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